Family Sues State For Inmate's Death

The family of a man that died shortly after being in police custody has led to a wrongful death lawsuit. While the suit was overturned at the lower court level, a State Appeals Court has allowed the family once again the file the suit. The victim, a mentally ill man, was taken into custody last year in Arizona. He was forced to spend the night at the jail, during which he was given pink underwear to sleep in. He became distraught, especially after learning that he might have to return to jail, and he attempted to flee. Shortly after he suffered a heart attack and passed away.

It is now up to a jury to decide whether the jail's policy of forcing inmates to wear pink underwear ultimately led to his death. Although the warden of the prison system has stated that the pink underwear is designed as a theft deterrent, he made an earlier speech in which he spoke about the inmates disliking the color pink intensely. If you are thinking about whether or not you have grounds to file a wrongful death claim for your recent loss, take the time to consult a Phoenix personal injury lawyer by contacting the Knowles Law Firm. We can review your case, consider the circumstances and advise you of what legal steps you should take.

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