The Top 7 Warning Signs of Financial Elder Abuse

Nursing home abuse is becoming all too common in today’s society. All over the U.S. there are cases of men and woman being treated poorly – or not being treated at all. Nursing homes are supposed to provide medical care for elderly folk who are unable to care for themselves, and to be a place where the elderly can receive the 24-7 medical attention they really need.

Unfortunately, there are more and more cases of neglect being reported in these facilities. Nurses are failing to clean bed pans and sheets; patients are acquiring skin-eating bacteria because of their own feces; men and woman are being sexually abused; patients are left unsupervised to wander around the home aimlessly. This is a sad way for anyone to live, and no child should have to fear that their mom or dad will be treated this way.

If you believe that your loved one has suffered nursing home abuse, you need to contact a Phoenix personal injury lawyer to learn more about your rights.

Recognizing the Signs of Financial Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is a big problem in populous cities, like Phoenix. There are generally three main types of elder abuse: financial, physical, and sexual. One way in which people can prevent abuse is by recognizing the signs. Below are the top signs of financial abuse.

If you notice these signs, speak with a personal injury lawyer immediately.

  • The elder cannot pay his/her bills on time
  • The elder is missing property or valuable items
  • The elder's bank account seems compromised
  • The elder will not talk about money
  • The elder's credit cards show suspicious activity
  • The elder purchases things they normally wouldn’t
  • The elder never has enough money

If you notice these signs, or are a victim of financial elder abuse in the city of Phoenix, contact the Knowles Law Firm, PLC to get the legal representation your need and deserve. Our Phoenix personal injury attorneys can help you put an end to elder abuse once and for all.

Helping You Put an End to Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse is steadily growing. When a congressional report was made addressing the nursing home citations, 1,600 homes were marked for abuse. This number is around one-third of the homes with the country. These homes continue to act as though it isn’t a big deal, yet the stories of elderly victims are much too real to ignore.

Lives are at stake. Elderly men and women deserve the same attention and medical care as anyone else. If you or someone you know has been a victim of this heinous crime, don’t wait another moment to take action. Contact Knowles Law Firm, PLC today to work with a Phoenix personal injury attorney who will fight for your loved ones.

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