Uncle Lost His Life While Saving His Nephew From Drowning

Last weekend in Cincinnati, Ohio, and uncle saw that his nephew was drowning in Lake Michigan and rushed in without hesitation to save his life, sacrificing his own to save the 12 year old boy. Kevin Schlake, 40, is reported to be of the three deaths from drowning’s that occurred in Lake Michigan last weekend from the high waves that came in. His family claims that his act of courage was an evidence of his genuine character, he loved people, and was known as a giver, and in this event he gave his own life to save another. Schlake was known for loving his nephews dearly. The family shared in their statement that at the time of their nephew getting caught in the five foot wave, another nephew and a brother-in-law were in the water as well. The family shares that Schlake went into the water to save one the nephews from the current, he was able to get him safely to shore. Two other men saved the brother in law who was caught underwater.

Soon after the current caught Schlake and pulled him under filling his lungs with water. He was found 30 minutes after the incident during search, lying in about 5 feet of water. Schlake was taken to the hospital and was pronounced dead that night. His family and friends consider him to be a hero, as do the doctors at the University of Chicago Hospital; he died a hero to save the life of another. Deaths from drowning can be tragic accidents, though there are stories like Schlake in which a death occurred as a heroic action. If you or someone you know has been a victim of drowning as a result of negligence or lack of proper care, then you are in need of a personal injury attorney that can fight for your case. Losing a loved one is a misfortune that can’t be undone, though in the event of this tragedy compensation can be sought after. Contact Knowles Law Firm, PLC today with more information regarding a drowning situation.

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